
Sometimes, when God speaks to you, it’s just spooky. I just had something happen to me that almost made me cry. The Holy Ghost very much touched me (I sound like my mom right now). Anyway, here it is…

I was going to blog earlier today about how messed up the world is, but I thought better of it, because I want my blog to be uplifting, not depressing. Then, I started formulating a post about how the only thing that will help folks in this world is Jesus, but I thought I would hold off until I had some pictures to add. Well, I opened my inbox a minute ago and there’s an email from this Billy Graham thing I signed up for a few weeks back. The email said “Do you see people every day with empty hearts, empty lives, searching for something? Maybe they’re friends or family or neighbors? But what can you do? What will you do?” (Check it out at http://links.mkt1529.com/servlet/MailView?ms=NDE0MzkzMzES1&r=NTY0NTQ0MTc3MzMS1&j=MTg5MTg5MjcxS0&mt=1&rt=0)

54195_My_Hope_Campaign_Eblast_54195_01I’ve ALWAYS had trouble sharing my faith for some reason. I’ve been a Christian since I was little girl but I’ve had a hard time telling others about what Jesus has done for me. So, this really spoke to me. Either way, I’ve signed up to do some online learning about this. After I get into it, I’ll let you know what I think, but I really feel the Lord is leading me to do this. Maybe you should check it out, too…

cross country trip

I was poking around on my computer and I found a journal I kept from a trip I took with my dad back in September of 2010. He works for the Boy Scouts of America (controversial, I know, but he’s a good man, I promise) and we went to New Mexico to get some tents for the camp he works for.

We had a really good time on that trip – just father and daughter. I missed my husband and we drove about 12 hours each day, but I’m glad I took the week off from work to go and experience that. Not only did I get to spend quality time with dad, but I got to see a lot of the nation that I probably won’t get to again.

Here are some pictures from that trip from almost 3 years ago!


Preface: I’m not blogging about this to toot my own horn. This was an adventure for me and I wanted to share the details…

Last Friday, I was on my way home from work when I saw an unusual object on the side of the road. At first, I thought it must be a black trash bag or tarp, but after closer inspection, I realized it was a dog sitting on the bank. I frowned, because I didn’t want to think about him getting run over by a car. On the other hand, I had told my husband I’d be right home, so I thought I would keep driving. “It will be fine” I told myself. Well, 1/2 mile up the road, I turned around. The dog was still sitting in the same spot, looking scared. So what did I do? Pulled off and got out.

I said “Hey, buddy. How are you?” and he looked at me skeptically. Then, those ears dropped and the tail wagged and he came hurrying toward me. He was a friendly black and brown dog and one eye was half blue (sign of a Husky). Thankfully, he had a collar with tags. The one tag was a military dog tag with a number on it (I thought phone number). I dialed the number, but it had been disconnected. He had the county dog tags, so I figured we could find his owners that way. So, the plan was to take him home and lock him up in our fenced in yard until I could find his owner.

About 2 minutes down the road with this dog as my passenger (sweet thing trying to crawl all over my lap), I realized my three dogs would go crazy with this new dog around. I remembered at the local sheriff’s office there were dog lots with dog houses, so I thought those must be holding pens for stray dogs until the animal control could get there. So, I turned around, yet again, and headed back toward town.

When I got to the sheriff’s office, I learned that those cages are for their service dogs, not for lost and found. They said I’d have to call animal control and wait for him to call me back. I was frustrated. But, then I realized it was 4:30 and the Treasurer’s Office should still be open and they could track him down by his county dog tag number. Genius!

So, I had to leave the poor pooch in my car and he wanted out so badly when I got out. I asked the lady if she could tell me the owner’s information based on the tag number and year. She had his name, but no phone number, but she had a phone book. Thankfully, the owner’s information was listed in the book, so I gave them a call. I told the lady I had her dog and would bring him to them, so she gave me her address. Also, I asked the dog’s name. It’s Scooby.

So, I drove ol’ Scooby home, talking to him the whole way. “We’re almost there boy. Just 5 more minutes.” When we were almost to his house, I saw a HUGE snapping turtle that had just crossed the road. It was neat!

I got to Scooby’s house and his owners were outside waiting. Scooby jumped out the car and you could tell he was home sweet home. I talked to the owners and told them my rescue story. The man laughed at me when I told him I’d tried to dial the number on the dog tag. He said that was his military ID and not a phone number. We talked for a few minutes about who we were and the little dog I’d rescued and he ended up giving me $20 for bringing his dog home.

The man was amazed that I’d gone through all that trouble to bring his dog back, but I would hope someone would do that for me. I believe every good deed you do in life is rewarded…if not in this life, then in the next!

slow and steady

I ran my first 10K race today. While I was running, I thought about how strange it is when you fall in behind someone driving 35 mph in a 55 mph zone, then when they hit the 25 mph zone, they keep going 35. It’s like they only know one speed. Well, that’s the way I run. It seems it doesn’t matter if I run a 5k, 10K, or run the last leg of a triathlon (5k normally), I always go at about the same pace. It really baffles me. I guess that’s just what I’ve conditioned my body to.

Oh, I don’t really “run”…I guess my speed is more of a “jog”. I completed the 6.2 miles today in an hour and 6 minutes. Not too bad for a gal who can’t remember ever running more than 5 miles. And, here lately, I’ve only run 3 miles at most. 

I was supposed to do a 44 mile charity bike ride today, but my friend couldn’t go and I wasn’t going to talk to myself that entire time. Normally, this is the weekend I do the Smith Mountain Lake triathlon, but my butt wasn’t getting in that cold lake. It was pretty cold this morning – maybe 46 degrees. I know that lake has not warmed up to over 62 degrees yet. 

I’ve always wanted to run this 10k, so yesterday I decided I’d go this morning. It was a good race with a small crowd. The entire thing takes place on the New River Trail, so there were no vehicles to worry about and I got to be in the natural setting. 

I wish I would have kept a list of all the races I’ve done over the past 8 or so years. I have the t-shirts (which I plan to make into a quilt in the near future), but I don’t have my time, where I placed, etc. I guess I could go back and look at ribbons and medals, but it would be neat to have a log. 

So far, I’ve done triathlons, duathlons (which are harder than tris, in my opinion), 5k runs, 10k run, cyclocross races…I think that’s in. What’s next?

happenin’ week

Beautiful congratulatory flowers from my sister

Beautiful congratulatory flowers from my sister

It seems this has been an eventful week in my world. Here’s the quick run down…

  • Our nephew Miles was born on Monday. A big boy weighing 8 lbs, 14 oz.
  • I passed my personal training exam on Monday, too! I’m now certified through the American Council on Exercise to help folks get into shape. It was a very hard test, but I passed it! Yippee!
  • My sister sent me flowers for passing my test. Wasn’t that sweet?
  • I ended up with some type of stomach bug that really made me feel terrible most of the day yesterday, but I woke up feeling like my normal self again this morning, thank goodness. While I was sick, I thought of those poor folks who have to undergo chemotherapy treatments and those women who end up so sick while they are pregnant (I never felt sick the entire time I was pregnant with my son). It made me VERY thankful for my good health.
  • This morning, I heard a whiporwill when I came out to go to work (before 6 am). I LOVE their music and I was tickled when I heard it, because it seems they are few and far between.
  • My son started saying “belly button” this week, too. He had his 15 month checkup today and is in the 90th percentile for his height. I reckon he’s going to be tall like his grandpas.

Well, that pretty much sums it up for this week so far. To be Wednesday evening, it seems like a lot has been going on. Looks like the rest of the week is setting up to be nice and busy, too. Hope yours is a good one!