Flag Football Tournament Results & Photos

Saturday’s flag football tournament was a big success! Thanks to everyone for coming out to play and support Thrive Wellness Ministries. Ten teams participated and over $600 was raised to support the ministry! In the end, the Minions won, just like they did in the spring. Congrats! Enjoy the pictures from the event and share them with your friends. We hope to have another tournament in the spring, so stay tuned!

Thanks to the following folks for their generous donations:

  • Michael Shockley and Matthew Wells (volunteer referees)
  • Food Lion
  • Larry Joe Banks (VT Tickets)
  • Subway

Expecting a Miracle

I am expecting a miracle.

God told me to quit my day job to concentrate Thrive Wellness Ministries and I told him “yes”! He has been working on my heart for months and finally I agreed to let go and let God. I made the decision on Tuesday, September 29 and God told me he’s going to provide $15,000 between now and the end of the year. That’s right – fifteen THOUSAND dollars. I know God is going to provide, but I also know he doesn’t expect me to sit on my fanny and do nothing about it. So, I’m asking you to help. Here’s how you can be part of this exciting venture:

Pray – Specifically that the Lord will use me for His will and that I will discern what He’s asking me to do. Ask Him to show me opportunities where He wants me to work.

Share – Share Thrive Wellness Ministries with your family, friends, and everyone you know. Share on Facebook, via email, and word of mouth. Let people know there’s something new & good going on.

Attend – Come to one of my exercise classes or events and see for yourself what I’m doing. Hopefully more seminars coming soon!

Give – If you feel led to donate to the cause, please give! “God loveth a cheerful giver” says 2 Corinthians 9:7. I know times are tight, but aren’t they always? Have you ever noticed that if you give what God asks, he will always bless you for it? You can donate online using PayPal or a credit/debit card or you can mail me a check. Check out my Donations page on thrivewellnessministries.com for all the info.

I taught Thrive Strength & Cardio last night at Galax PH Church. There, I made the first $80 toward my $15,000 goal. Soon, I will have a chart to measure progress on my website & Facebook page. Won’t you be part?

As I planned to share this news, I decided you may have questions about this endeavor, so here are some FAQ’s about what I’m doing.

Question: Do you really think God is asking you to do this?

Answer: I don’t think so – I KNOW so from the bottom of my heart. I have been reading the Bible and devotionals as well as praying about it and all have pointed me to make this step.

Question: How do you know it’s God that is talking to you?

Answer: I have consulted His word and asked Him and I haven’t asked humans what I should do. It doesn’t matter what people think. I answer to God and am focusing on eternity, not the present. Read this wonderful devotional Rick Warren put out yesterday. That put a period on my decision to do this.

Question: What are you going to do in your ministry?

Answer: God is calling me to SERVE first and foremost and I’m feeling led to start in nursing homes. Honestly, I’ve never enjoyed nursing home visits, but whenever I’ve gone, I leave sorrowful for all the people there who don’t receive visitors. I feel like our elderly are being forgotten. So, that’s where I plan to start. I’m not sure what specifically I will be doing, but I know God is going to provide opportunities. It may be visiting, Bible studies, light exercise with the residents – I’m not sure. I’m going to find the need and go. I may also be going into jails and prisons and working with women. I’m going to serve wherever and however He asks me. I’m going to continue my group exercise classes as well. Hopefully, people will be inspired by God’s messages through me and I can do some motivational/inspirational speaking. The Extraordinary Women conference is this weekend in Roanoke…is it too far fetched for me to dream of speaking there next year?

Question: How are you going to be using the money you raise?

Answer: Funds raised for Thrive will used to support my work as a local missionary. I plan to buy needed items for folks in the nursing homes and other places I visit if there is something they need. Some funds will be used for everyday living expenses such as gas and groceries while I serve. At any time, I will share my income and expenses of my non-profit organization. I consider myself frugal and a good steward of what God gives me and I will be transparent with my operating budget. I drive a car that’s 9 years old and has 160,000 miles on it (I’m praying it makes it to at least 300,000 miles!). Most of my clothes come from thrift stores. I’m past all the material things this life has to offer. Sure, I have wants, but I’ve learned that very few of them really matter in the grand scheme of things.

Question: Why are you really doing this?

Answer: I’m doing this because God requested me to. He’s given me a mission and vision that I must fulfill. I’m now 33 years old and I do wish I would have listened more intently to His calling sooner in my life. I also want to spend time with my family (husband and boys ages 3 and 1) while teaching my children to be of service to their neighbors. If we want to see a difference in this country, it has to start in our homes. It has to start with us.

I’m thankful God has put me in this position to share His love with others. I’m not perfect and it’s only by the grace of God that I’ll be going to heaven one day. I know this ministry won’t always be easy or pleasant, but I know God will bless me and provide for my needs as long as I do what He says.

Thank you in advance for your support. I pray that He’ll pour out his blessings on you and that you’ll be part of Thrive Wellness Ministries. We can (and will) make a difference in our community.

Claytor Lake Triathlon Photos

Blew out my flip flop

Thanks to A Moment in Time Photography for taking photos at the Claytor Lake Triathlon a couple weeks ago. Here are the ones I found of myself. I raced the dude to the finish line…and won! My time was 1 hour and 33 minutes, a personal record for me. Maybe I can do TWO races next year!

Ever So Grateful

June 2012 sunset on our hillside

[I started this post Thursday evening and was interrupted by my 3 year old getting out of bed with a fever. This is the first chance I’ve had to get back to it!]

Eight lovely ladies showed up to my first recurring Thrive group exercise session at Galax PH Church this evening. I had told myself to be happy if only three, but God gave me EIGHT! What a blessing! Then, I came home to two happy, bathed, and fed little boys. Mom kept them today and made supper for us, washed our clothes, and more.

I just can’t get over how truly blessed I am. I know, I know – I post it a lot on Facebook and in my blog, but I am just amazed at how well God takes care of me and my family.

Now, it’s Monday and Ezra (the 3 year old) is over the stomach bug, but he generously passed it along to his younger brother, so it’s been a weekend of cuddling and soothing. That’s what moms are for, right? 🙂 I’m happy I can do it and be home from work with the boys. I just pray that no one else in the house gets it!

I didn’t get to spend much time reading my Bible this weekend, so I took some time this morning and caught up a bit. It was nice to read and touch base with my Dad (the heavenly one). In the past, I haven’t desired to read as much as I have over the past 6 months or so. The more I read, the more I want to read.

A lot is going on with Thrive, and if you’ve missed the current events, here’s what you need to know!

  • The later part of this week is busy! You can catch Thrive Strength & Cardio at Galax PH Church at 5:45 pm on Thursday. We’ll have about a 35 minute workout using resistance bands. Just $5 per person, youth under 15 free with paying adult. Please bring your own exercise mat, but I have resistance bands you can use.
  • Friday is BodyPump at the Carroll Wellness Center at noon. We’re now on 95, which is hard, but it’s so good for your body!
  • Saturday morning at 8:30 I will be helping Yvette Ladd celebrate her grand opening at Wellness Pursuits in Gladesboro, VA with a complimentary Thrive Strength & Cardio session. She’s going to let me come back the following Saturday, October 3 and teach again!
  • Be sure to mark your calendar for Saturday, October 17. My husband and I are putting on a Flag Football Tournament and Family Fun Day at Woodlawn School. All proceeds will benefit Thrive Wellness Ministries and there will be activities for the entire family!

I just realized THIS Friday is the last one of the month. I can’t believe September is practically gone. I pray that you have a blessed week!


Workin’ on my Workout!

I have a sweet little baby boy who got 4 shots at his 1 year checkup on Monday, which has prompted him to wake up at 5:30 the past two mornings for some pain reliever and a bottle. So, I needed not to set my alarm clock to get up an exercise! Yesterday, I did my 30 minute hatha yoga DVD and am a little sore today. I love yoga, but don’t get to do it nearly as much as I would like. Yoga at my pal Yvette’s is the best!

Yesterday, when I got home from work, my 3 year old greeted me at the door and said “Look mommy! This box came from CVS!” To him, any store is CVS. Anyway, the box was from Power Systems and it was full of resistance bands I had ordered for my Thrive workouts! This morning, I busted out the medium resistance band this morning and tested it in my workout. It was hard! I backed off to the light band and that made it better, especially for the lateral raises. I think I’m going to get a few extra light bands for my beginners, too.

It’s funny, because each band included an instruction sheet on how to use the bands. The photos are in black and white of this woman doing different exercises with the bands. You would think it’s a cost savings measure to use black ink, but I think it’s because she’s using the orange (lightest) bands and they don’t want you to know! How else could she do some of those moves?! 🙂

Please be sure to plan on joining me on Monday, August 31 for my next Wellness Seminar and Exercise Session. It’s free and child care will be provided at Galax PH Church from 5:30-7:00 pm. It’s gonna be fun, informative, and fit!

Revised & Improved Wellness Seminar & Exercise Session – August 31

Need some inspiration and motivation to live a healthy lifestyle? Then don’t miss my FREE seminar at Galax PH Church on Monday, August 31 from 5:30 – 7 pm. Childcare will be provided, so just come and enjoy learning how God wants you to live your best life PLUS practical tips on healthy living. My resistance bands are on the way, so be ready for a good workout! It can be adapted to ANY fitness level, so don’t be intimidated (and don’t think it will be too easy for you, tough folks)!

Facebook event – https://www.facebook.com/events/123658587977694/

Time to Train for a Tri!

I just registered for the Claytor Lake Sprint Triathlon that will be held September 12, 2015. It’s a half mile swim, 12.5 mile bike, and a 5k trail run. I have work to do!

My favorite resource for triathlons is “The Woman Triathlete” book. I need to get it out and make my plan for training. I have about 6 weeks till race day and my base fitness is good, but I need to work on intervals on my run and swim. The book has great workouts. I am going to pencil in my workouts on my calendar or I know I will not get to them.

I blogged on my personal blog a while back about Triathlon FAQs. Check it out if you have a minute. 🙂

Walk/Jog/Run Club – July 30 (I won’t be there)

June 2012 sunset on our hillside

I had been on a roll meeting at the Galax Rec Center at noon on Thursdays with anyone who wanted to walk/jog/run for an hour, but I can’t be there this Thursday (I have to work). However, if anyone wants to meet, I encourage you to do so! Just gather near the door around noon, set some goals, and take off! You can do it without me, I’m sure. 🙂

For the first week of August, we’ll need to meet elsewhere due to the Fiddler’s Convention. We can meet at the Caboose in Galax or Dannely Park and do the New River Trail that day. It will be a welcome change (just remember the $4 parking fee).

Let me know if you plan to be there this week (July 30) or next (August 6).

Walk/Jog/Run Club – July 23 @ Noon

Tomorrow’s weather looks good! High of 78, so that’s not TERRIBLE. 🙂

Interested in walking, jogging, or running with a small group? Join me & whoever else shows up at noon on Thursday, July 9 at the Galax Recreation Center. If it’s raining, meet in the lobby. If it’s nice, meet near the front entrance outside. We’ll open with a prayer & devotional, then figure out the group’s goals, then spend the next bit walking, jogging, and/or running. It’s my lunch break, so I have about an hour to be there. If you want to continue after I leave, go for it!

There is no cost for this. Just bring something to drink and think of your goal before you arrive so you know what you want to do for the day!


See ya there. Blessings!

Walk/Jog/Run Club July 16 @ Noon

Let’s do it again today! Interested in walking, jogging, or running with a small group? Join me & whoever else shows up at noon on Thursday, July 9 at the Galax Recreation Center. If it’s raining, meet in the lobby. If it’s nice, meet near the front entrance outside. We’ll open with a prayer & devotional, then figure out the group’s goals, then spend the next bit walking, jogging, and/or running. It’s my lunch break, so I have about an hour to be there. If you want to continue after I leave, go for it!

There is no cost for this. Just bring something to drink and think of your goal before you arrive so you know what you want to do for the day!

See ya there. Blessings!