Imported Blog Posts

Hi Everyone! I’ve missed blogging here, but I’ve been blogging on my website, I just exported my blog posts from that site and imported them here, but the photos didn’t come over so a lot of the photos here don’t make any sense! Check out my blog for the right photos (as I don’t have time to change them here). In the future, I’ll try to blog here what I’m blogging there. đŸ™‚

Fruit of the Spirit Shirt – FREE with Donation!

I’ve redesigned my Thrive shirts with a neat Fruit of the Spirit scripture on the back (compliments of Sincerely Sara D) and you can get yours FREE with a donation! You can get a long sleeved shirt with your $50 donation and a short sleeved with a $40 gift. They are white and fit well and you get to choose your size! I will order your shirt once I receive your donation and can ship it to you if I don’t see you in person. Check out my Donations page for the mailing address or PayPal link.

Thanks in advance for your generosity! May God bless you as a cheerful giver. đŸ™‚

Ever So Grateful

June 2012 sunset on our hillside

[I started this post Thursday evening and was interrupted by my 3 year old getting out of bed with a fever. This is the first chance I’ve had to get back to it!]

Eight lovely ladies showed up to my first recurring Thrive group exercise session at Galax PH Church this evening. I had told myself to be happy if only three, but God gave me EIGHT! What a blessing! Then, I came home to two happy, bathed, and fed little boys. Mom kept them today and made supper for us, washed our clothes, and more.

I just can’t get over how truly blessed I am. I know, I know – I post it a lot on Facebook and in my blog, but I am just amazed at how well God takes care of me and my family.

Now, it’s Monday and Ezra (the 3 year old) is over the stomach bug, but he generously passed it along to his younger brother, so it’s been a weekend of cuddling and soothing. That’s what moms are for, right? đŸ™‚ I’m happy I can do it and be home from work with the boys. I just pray that no one else in the house gets it!

I didn’t get to spend much time reading my Bible this weekend, so I took some time this morning and caught up a bit. It was nice to read and touch base with my Dad (the heavenly one). In the past, I haven’t desired to read as much as I have over the past 6 months or so. The more I read, the more I want to read.

A lot is going on with Thrive, and if you’ve missed the current events, here’s what you need to know!

  • The later part of this week is busy! You can catch Thrive Strength & Cardio at Galax PH Church at 5:45 pm on Thursday. We’ll have about a 35 minute workout using resistance bands. Just $5 per person, youth under 15 free with paying adult. Please bring your own exercise mat, but I have resistance bands you can use.
  • Friday is BodyPump at the Carroll Wellness Center at noon. We’re now on 95, which is hard, but it’s so good for your body!
  • Saturday morning at 8:30 I will be helping Yvette Ladd celebrate her grand opening at Wellness Pursuits in Gladesboro, VA with a complimentary Thrive Strength & Cardio session. She’s going to let me come back the following Saturday, October 3 and teach again!
  • Be sure to mark your calendar for Saturday, October 17. My husband and I are putting on a Flag Football Tournament and Family Fun Day at Woodlawn School. All proceeds will benefit Thrive Wellness Ministries and there will be activities for the entire family!

I just realized THIS Friday is the last one of the month. I can’t believe September is practically gone. I pray that you have a blessed week!


Gettin’ Ready to Get Real

I know God is getting ready to do something big in my life. He’s talking to me and telling me things that make me excited and nervous at the same time. All my life I have wanted to do something BIG – not be famous, but to make an impact in the lives of others, and the time is coming. Will it be big to everyone? Probably not, but I feel it will affect those in my life in a positive way. I really don’t know WHAT is going to happen yet, but it’s all building up.

I’ve wanted to blog for weeks now, but it seems like time gets away and other things fall into the way. So much has been on my mind about Thrive and my walk with God and He’s given me the opportunity to finally get it out there this morning.

First of all, I’ve been praying for something to happen in the life of someone I love, and I think it’s finally starting. Over the years, I’ve let the situation frustrate me, but I’ve come to the face the fact that I can’t change this person, only God can. So, prayers are being answered and I’m so thankful!

I’m also praying about my life and that God will guide my paths. The hard part is listening to what he tells me to do. I really keep thinking of the story of Noah and the ark. I’m so grateful that He hasn’t asked me to build and ark, because even the small things He asks me to surrender control of are hard to obey. I’m trying to teach my 3 year old son obedience and I have to be obedient myself. Life lessons!

At this point in my life, I feel more compassionate about people than I ever have. In the past, I’ve been quick to judge and at times, fast to gossip. Obviously, these are not good Christian character traits. However, I’m starting to give people the benefit of the doubt because we all have sinned and fall short of the glory of the Lord, right? I feel like I want to serve people now. My life used to be about what Mandy wanted to do, but now it’s “What can I do for you, Lord?” I really, truly, from the bottom of my heart want to show people His love and that this life is only temporary. We have hope in tomorrow and eternity when we believe in Him.

With all that being said, here are some things I want to share. Please keep Thrive and me in your prayers, praying specifically that I will follow His calling on my life. I would love to read your comments on Facebook and here on the blog. (And thank you in advance!)

  • If you’re not busy Saturday, please make plans to come out to JoyFest at Joy Ranch. Mom and I made a quilt (she did 90% of the work) for the auction they have starting at noon to raise funds for their home for children. There are more festivities after that –
  • At the last seminar at Galax PH Church, the ladies decided they want to have me back on a weekly basis, so keep your eyes peeled for that exciting venture! I hope to start next week or the following with the 30 minute Thrive exercise session on Tuesday or Thursday around 6 pm each week.
  • If you’ve not yet signed up to receive my Thrive emails, please do on my website. Check out the top of the Contact Us or Events pages and just enter your email address.
  • Yvette Ladd with Wellness Pursuits has invited me to teach Thrive at her grand opening the last week in September. She has all kinds of neat happenings that weekend, so please check it out at
  • Remember you can support Thrive in various ways…Pray, Share, or Give.
    • Pray for the ministry, that God will open doors so I can spread the love of Jesus to people in need.
    • Share with your friends on Facebook, via email, or word of mouth.  Come to my events and classes!
    • Give financially if you feel led. I’m going to have a new t-shirt design for anyone who gives a donation of $40 or more.
The back of my new t-shirts (coming soon)!

The back of my new t-shirts (coming soon)!

Remember 1  Corinthians 6:19-20…God wants us to take care of His temple. Have a happy, healthy, and blessed day!

Seminar & Launch of Thrive is TONIGHT!

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Tonight at 5 pm is the launch of Thrive Wellness Ministries at my church in Laurel Fork, VA. I’m so excited and look forward to meeting each person who comes out. Won’t you join us?

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It’s time to thrive!

It’s May 2015 and Thrive Wellness Ministries has officially begun. As founder, I’m thrilled to be able to help people reach their wellness goals through prayer, scripture, and Christian-based exercise. I’m so excited that I can hardly sleep (and I really like to sleep)!

Please register to receive email alerts to keep up to date on the latest happenings. I hope to be holding events in June!



busy as a bee

A busy honeybee on a spring crocus

A busy honeybee on a spring crocus

I’m really too busy to be posting, but I couldn’t not share this with you. I spent the day with my mom yesterday since it was her birthday, on our way into the restaurant for lunch, she pointed out these beautiful little flowers with honeybees buzzing around. I was so stinkin’ excited! This winter has seemed to last forever, even though it’s been relatively mild. I just love spring and summer and I could have just laid down in those flowers all day. It was about 60 degrees and sunny. What a lovely day.

Life is moving along at lightning pace, but I’ve gotten a better grip on a work/home life balance. I’m looking forward to the month of April when (fingers crossed) things should slow down a bit.

Baby Elam (now 7 months old) cut his first tooth on my birthday a couple weeks ago. It made me crazy. Little Ezra (3 years old) is potty trained and says the wildest things. I’m so blessed. My husband is a sweety, too. đŸ˜‰

Enjoy the weekend, wherever you are and whatever you do!

time for a change

My little flu baby last week

My little flu baby last week

[I wrote this yesterday morning at 1:30 am and I am already doing better!]

It’s 1:30 am and I’m up writing this down. I don’t feel like I will be able to go back to sleep until it’s out of my system.

Yesterday evening, I had a good cry in the Food Lion parking lot. Who, me? Miss Optimistic? Yea, buddy. I felt the anxiety building as I stood in line to pay for my groceries. I’ve felt this way several times over the past few months and it always seems to happen in the grocery store. Anyway, I had loaded my purchases into my car with tears brimming in my eyes. When I shut the car door, the tears came out and I took a minute to just cry. I’ve learned over the years that crying is good sometimes.

Then I picked up my phone and read Rick Warren’s daily devotional. It was about being happy with what you have, right now. It started to sink in that I need to be happy right now – it’s my choice. Did I already know this? Yes, but I needed a reminder.

What events led up to my parking lot meltdown? Well, it was Monday and I had been off work for 4 days, so it was catch up day. I took Thursday and Friday off to take care of our 6 month old son who came down with the flu. Thankfully, he did very well, but it was still a long 4 days of holding a fussy baby, then being up and down several times each night. Then, I came down with a cold Friday (maybe a mild case of the flu?) so that made me feel cruddy. Also, I didn’t take time to exercise today because I was “too busy.” I just wanted to get home and see my boys as quickly as possible. And, I did.

When it was all said and done and I had time to think about everything, I realized:

1. I’ve been blaming my job for my stress here lately.
B. I am the one who needs to be in control of my thoughts, actions, and emotions.
3. I have been way too passive and indecisive recently.
D. It’s time for a change!

Here’s my action plan for change:

A. Use my time more efficiently – at home and work.
2. Make time to exercise – no one is telling me NOT to. It’s such a big part of my lifestyle and my mood requires those endorphins.
C. Make time to meal plan. I’ve been struggling with bad food choices simply because I don’t spend enough time planning meals.
4. Be positive! I always preach this, but I must practice it.
E. Don’t expect perfection. I set such high expectations for myself and others – I don’t think anyone could live up to them. I have to scale it down a notch.

2 Corinthians 10:5 states “….and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” God has promised me (and you) great things…love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22). He doesn’t want me moping around being sad. He made me into a strong, confident woman so I could fulfill my purpose as a happy wife, mom, and role model.

My job won’t always be so stressful. Probably about the time I get accustomed to the stress of work, then there will be a new form of stress in my life. I have to learn to adapt, modify, and overcome. I’m surprised I let it get me down this far. But, I’m happy my eyes were opened and now I know what I need to do! No more excuses.

[End note – I think post natal hormone changes and Seasonal Adjustment Disorder from lack of sunshine have played a part in my blue streak, too!]

My now THREE year old son wearing my clothes

My now THREE year old son wearing my clothes

pay it forward

I had the nicest thing happen to me a while ago. I went through the drive thru for lunch (bad me, I know) and the lady in front of me paid for my food! She didn’t even know me. I’ve heard about that happening, but it’s never happened to me before. It brought me tears. What a way to show God’s love! There was no one behind me in the line, but I plan to continue what she started with me.
