Workin’ on my Workout!

I have a sweet little baby boy who got 4 shots at his 1 year checkup on Monday, which has prompted him to wake up at 5:30 the past two mornings for some pain reliever and a bottle. So, I needed not to set my alarm clock to get up an exercise! Yesterday, I did my 30 minute hatha yoga DVD and am a little sore today. I love yoga, but don’t get to do it nearly as much as I would like. Yoga at my pal Yvette’s is the best!

Yesterday, when I got home from work, my 3 year old greeted me at the door and said “Look mommy! This box came from CVS!” To him, any store is CVS. Anyway, the box was from Power Systems and it was full of resistance bands I had ordered for my Thrive workouts! This morning, I busted out the medium resistance band this morning and tested it in my workout. It was hard! I backed off to the light band and that made it better, especially for the lateral raises. I think I’m going to get a few extra light bands for my beginners, too.

It’s funny, because each band included an instruction sheet on how to use the bands. The photos are in black and white of this woman doing different exercises with the bands. You would think it’s a cost savings measure to use black ink, but I think it’s because she’s using the orange (lightest) bands and they don’t want you to know! How else could she do some of those moves?! 🙂

Please be sure to plan on joining me on Monday, August 31 for my next Wellness Seminar and Exercise Session. It’s free and child care will be provided at Galax PH Church from 5:30-7:00 pm. It’s gonna be fun, informative, and fit!

FREE Seminar & Exercise Session – July 13

Did you miss the seminar on June 15? Well, make plans to attend this session on Monday, July 13 at 5:30 at the Carter Pines Picnic Shelter in Hillsville, VA. The shelter is located on the left as you drive into Carroll Wellness Center.

First, I’ll be sharing Biblical advice on how God wants us to live happy, healthy lives as well as practical tips for good nutrition, health, and exercise. Then, about 6 pm we’ll do a 30 minute exercise session set to contemporary Christian music. Bring a friend and come enjoy some uplifting fellowship!

At this point, I don’t have anyone lined up for childcare, but if you’re a CWC member, you can check to see if they will let you leave the kiddos in the supervised play area since you’ll be on the hill.

Hope to see you there!

Overcoming Obstacles

We all face obstacles everyday in our daily living. This morning, I had to overcome some myself! The baby woke me up about 4:45 for a bottle, so I fed him and then it was close to 5 am. I had planned to get up about 5:30 to practice the new BodyPump 94, because I plan to teach it the first time on Friday and I need to run through it some. Anyway, I had a choice to make…back to bed or stay up? I chose to stay up.

I spent some time reading in my “Motivated to Wellness” Bible study book about how Jesus is the light and the life. It was a good read.

Then, I went outside to practice my workout so I wouldn’t wake up the family (it was 5:30ish at this point). The whippoorwill was out and singing and it was such a beautiful morning. I soaked it in, breathed and stretched, while talking to God a few minutes.

I was on the 4th track of practicing BodyPump when this yellow jacket flew up. I thought he was just nosing around, so I kept doing my triceps kickbacks and the darn thing stung me on the pointer finger! It hurt like the dickens – I haven’t been stung in years. I stopped, went in and iced my finger for a few minutes and had to make a choice – keep working out or just quit? I chose to keep going.

I finished my workout and spent some time with my husband and boys this morning before coming to work. I’m a little sleepy, but I’m glad I chose to stay out of bed and exercise.

Each day, we have to make choices to keep going. Your situation may be harder than mine, but choose to keep going. You’ll be glad you did.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil 4:13 (That’s for my friend Michaela).

FREE Wellness Seminar & Exercise Session

I’m launching my ministry on Monday, June 15 at 5:00 pm at my church – Stone Mountain Baptist Church in Laurel Fork, VA. Please join me and bring a friend for an evening of information about wellness & health, light/moderate exercise, and refreshments & fellowship! The fun starts at 5 pm and we’ll be done by 7 pm. I’m working on childcare options if you need to bring your kids, so stay tuned! View the event details here.


want to be a personal trainer?

When I changed jobs almost two years ago, part of my job duty was to become an ACE (American Council on Exercise) certified personal trainer, which I accomplished. I’m really glad I did it because I’ve wanted to do it for years. I’ve enjoyed being a personal trainer these past 18 months or so. In addition to helping people meet their fitness and wellness goals, I also get great emails with tips and updates from ACE.

I got one today about the Ash Hayes Scholarship that is helping folks who want to help our youth obtain their personal training certification at almost no cost! If you’re interested, check out the scholarship information and apply.

Click the image to be taken to the ACE website and apply or learn more.

Click the image to be taken to the ACE website and apply or learn more.

30 second core workout

Yep, you heard it folks! Just 30 seconds to your perfect middle. 🙂 Yeah, right. Here’s what I just got finished doing as my Friday workout since my foot hurts too much to be on it long…

Perform each exercise for 30 seconds before moving along to the next move. Rest up to 10 seconds between each exercise and repeat up to three times, resting 1 minute before repeating.

  1. Plank Ups (go from elbow plank to straight arm plank then back down)
  2. Flutter Kicks
  3. Reverse Crunches
  4. Left Side Plank
  5. Superman
  6. Right Side Plank
  7. Mountain Climbers
  8. Russian Twists (with medicine ball)

I repeated it three times. Those flutter kicks will get ya! And those plank ups…ouch!

workout week

It’s been a great week of workouts for me and I hope to squeeze another good one in today. Monday, I jogged/walked outside and did really well. I surprised myself and jogged about 80% of the distance (probably 2.5 miles or so) which isn’t too bad considering the baby is only 8 weeks old and I haven’t jogged any distance in almost a year.

Tuesday, I taught the noon BodyPump class and was sore through yesterday, in my biceps especially. I’m teaching the class Tuesday and Thursday next week and have to record my second video. I really hope I pass this time!


Wednesday, I took the noon BodyAttack class. Thankfully, it was only 30 minutes because it’s a tough one! Empty your bladder before you take that class because you jump around A LOT!


Yesterday was a rest day, but I hope to either do BodyPump on my own today or swim laps. I have this terrible plantar’s wart on my foot that is causing some serious pain, so I want to swim, but I need to practice Pump. However, I’ve not swam all week and I really enjoy my time in the water.

I had a personal training session with a gal this morning and she did this workout. What do you think?

300 Rep Full Body Workout

Warm Up: 15 seconds of each exercise (repeat three times)

  • jumping jacks
  • walking high knees
  • walking butt kickers

Main Set: complete circuit 2-3 times

  1. 50 jumping jacks
  2. 40 flutter kicks
  3. 30 lunges (plyo lunges to make it harder)
  4. 20 bicep curls
  5. 10 burpees
  6. 10 bench dips
  7. 20 push ups
  8. 30 squats (jump squats to make it harder)
  9. 40 triceps extensions
  10. 50 high knees

This was my inspiration for the workout –

i’m back

Holding my sweet baby Elam

Holding my sweet baby Elam

I’m back…back to work and hopefully back to blogging a bit. What have I been doing? Spending a lot of time holding a baby and chasing a 2 year old. But, I returned to work last week, so now I am back to being a lifeguard, personal trainer and hopefully group exercise instructor in October.

I’ve missed blogging and have had a million ideas of what I could blog about, but never could find the time to actually sit down and write it out. But now that I’m back to work, I can get my thoughts out during my breaks and such.

Baby is doing well and is already 7 weeks old, which is hard to believe. His brother likes him and is good to  him, so that makes my life easier. Having two small kids is chaotic and I thank God that I have a good husband to help me out.

I really enjoyed my break and bonding with my boys. I miss spending time with them already. My older son started preschool two days a week last week and that went well, thankfully. Here’s a shot my sister caught of him on Labor Day weekend playing with an old Halloween decoration we had in the yard…

Ezra and the skull

Ezra and the skull

Now, it’s time to get back into shape (just did a good 20 minute workout) and get back into a groove. And, get back into meal planning/cooking. I really miss eating well, so that’s one of my biggest goals. Here goes nothing!

a new normal

Little Elam is 2 weeks old today and our family is settling into a new normal. Ezra is a great big brother. Yesterday, he shared his building blocks and asked “Can I touch his leg?” It was very sweet. Thankfully, my husband has had 2 weeks off work and still has one more before it’s back to the daily grind. I am off until the week of Labor Day, thankfully. Physically, I feel almost back to my old self again and my stomach is quickly disappearing. I took a 20 minute walk yesterday for the first time since Elam arrived and it felt good. I hope to keep walking a few times a week and incorporate some light strength training as well. Need to get some of this jiggly tightened up!

My garden is producing an abundance of tomatoes and those sunflowers are even more gorgeous. I’m so glad I decided to have a garden and that it’s turned out so well. I have a few zucchini still coming out and there are some butternut squash ripening nicely. I found a watermelon the vine that’s about 2 inches around, so we’ll see if it turns into anything. I found a recipe for crock pot spaghetti sauce I’m going to try with all these tomatoes so they don’t go to waste.

I’m so thankful for the blessings the good Lord has given me. It’s like the song my son has learned to sing…

This is the day, this is the day that the Lord has made
I will rejoice, I will rejoice and be glad in it

Rejoice and be glad today!

preventing type 2 diabetes in kids

My little fella picking raspberries...he LOVES picking and eating them.

My little fella picking raspberries…he LOVES picking and eating them.

As a mom, I worry about what my son eats and about his future with diabetes. Not only did I have gestational diabetes while pregnant with him (which increases his risk of getting diabetes by about 60%, I think), but his grandpa and great grandpa both suffer from diabetes. I know it’s not the end of the world to be affected by this condition, but if it can be avoided, then so be it!

I have read up on this enough to know it mostly boils down to diet and exercise. I found a good article on the American Diabetes Association website that I wanted to share with you. The two points I like best from this article are:

  1. Set a good example by eating a healthful diet yourself

  2. Set a good example by being active yourself.

Please read on to learn how you can help prevent diabetes in your children or the children in your life. Not to mention how you can help prevent the disease in your own body!

Preventing Type 2 Diabetes in Children and Teens

Type 2 diabetes once hit mainly adults. But today, children and teens weigh more and are less active. As a result, people of all ages now get type 2 diabetes.

Types of Diabetes in Children

Type 1 diabetes was once called juvenile diabetes. It usually starts suddenly with weight loss, great thirst, and frequent urination. It tends to occur in thin or normal-weight people. Type 1 diabetes must be treated with insulin shots.

Type 2 diabetes tends to occur in overweight people. It is also more common in people of African, Hispanic, Asian, or American-Indian ancestry. Type 2 diabetes often starts slowly. People may have vague symptoms or none at all. Some people can control their type 2 diabetes with a healthy diet and exercise. But others must take diabetes pills or insulin.

Type 1 and type 2 diabetes are by far the most common forms of diabetes. But in rare cases, children get other kinds of diabetes.

Before Type 2 Diabetes Starts

Some children and teens have a higher risk of getting type 2 diabetes. Traits that are often found in people before they get type 2 diabetes are:

  1. Non-European ancestors

  2. Close relatives with type 2 diabetes

  3. High cholesterol levels

  4. Dark patches of skin, often on the back of the neck

  5. Overweight

  6. High blood pressure

  7. High triglyceride (a kind of fat) levels

  8. High blood glucose levels

  9. Low HDL (“good”) cholesterol levels

The risks for heart disease and diabetes increase for those who have high triglycerides, high blood glucose, low HDL cholesterol, and high blood pressure and who are overweight.

How to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is partly genetic. Even so, it can be prevented or delayed in most cases. The key is a healthy lifestyle.

Food choices. The healthiest diet is one high in plant foods and low in salt and saturated fats (which are found in meat and also in dairy products that aren’t nonfat). To improve your child’s diet:

  1. Don’t buy junk food, such as soft drinks, chips, cookies, doughnuts, and candy.

  2. Have healthful foods on hand for snacks and lunch bags. More healthy choices might include nonfat milk, nuts, fresh fruit, baby carrots, cherry tomatoes, low-fat cheese, and whole-grain low-sugar breakfast cereals.

  3. Buy whole grains (such as oatmeal, barley, whole-wheat bread and pasta, and brown rice) instead of refined grains (such as white bread, white pasta, and white rice).

  4. Limit visits to fast-food restaurants or don’t go at all.

  5. Have your child eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables each day.

  6. Serve meals at the same times each day.

  7. Serve small portions.

  8. Serve fruit for dessert instead of cake, pie, or other foods high in fat and sugar.

  9. Instead of frying foods, cook them in low-fat ways. These include baking, broiling, roasting, grilling, steaming, and boiling.

  10. Set a good example by eating a healthful diet yourself.

Activity choices. The more active people are, the more calories they burn. Children and teens should be physically active for at least 60 minutes most or all days of the week. To help your children be more active:

  1. Limit time in front of the TV and computer to less than 2 hours a day.

  2. Assign them active chores such as raking leaves and vacuuming rugs.

  3. Have children walk or ride their bikes to school if it is close.

  4. Be active as a family. Go for walks, ride bikes, jump rope, or play basketball together.

  5. Encourage brisk play.

  6. Set a good example by being active yourself.

Other actions. There are other ways you can help your children avoid diabetes:

  1. Take them for regular medical checkups.

  2. If you think a child may be too heavy, don’t put him or her on a weight-loss diet by yourself. Overweight children still need nutrients and calories to grow. Ask your doctor how to help your child lose weight.

If Your Child Gets Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes treatment has three goals:

  1. Get blood glucose levels as close to normal as you can.

  2. Get A1C levels as close to normal as you can. A1C reflects long-term blood glucose control.

  3. Prevent damage to the eyes, kidney, nerves, and heart.

Being overweight makes it harder to control diabetes. For this reason, striving for a healthy weight may also be part of type 2 diabetes treatment.

A child or teen who gets type 2 diabetes needs expert advice on diet and exercise. A dietitian can help both the child and the family learn to eat in a healthy way. A pediatric exercise counselor can help the child and family start an exercise program. In all cases, it’s a good idea for the whole family to change its habits.

Type 2 diabetes tends to get worse over time. After a while, people with type 2 diabetes may need drugs to keep their blood glucose levels under control, even if they’ve taken good care of themselves. Drugs include insulin and many types of diabetes medicines.