tryin’ somethin’ new


I love the way God speaks to His children (that’s you and me). About a month ago, my job took a turn for the worse and I decided it was enough. I put my notice in and April 30 will be my last day as Acting Director at the fitness center where I work. I’m going back to my old job doing website design & development, but just part-time. That will leave time for me to do personal training and teach group exercise classes on my own. I’ve never struck out to try to be my own boss, so it’s a little scary, but exciting too. I’m trying to figure out what to name my company, get liability insurance, etc.

In going through this, Rick Warren’s blog has spoken to me so much! The image above came from “Get Out and Try Something New” – you should go read it. There have been so many others about Christians and work…some of have been inspirational and some have stepped on my toes (like how to love your co-workers – ouch!).

Another thing I’ve done was download the background music to Laura Story’s song “Blessings”, which I plan to sing in church this Sunday. I love that song and I feel it really speaks to people’s hearts. One of my talents is my singing voice and I don’t use it nearly enough.

What’s your struggle today? I hope God grants you the direction you need to face your challenge.

nancy is in SECOND place!

Hiyah folks! I need your help to get my friend Nancy to FIRST place in this business contest and help her win some great stuff to help her business. All you have to do is click this link and VOTE! Vote on any computer or digital device you have, oh please!

Here’s a picture of Nancy’s yummy truffles. They are my favorite creation of hers. Thank you for your help! Tomorrow is the last day, so vote all you can and I’ll let you know how it turns out…


please vote for nancy

My "sweet" friend Nancy

My “sweet” friend Nancy

My friend Nancy owns a candy factory in Meadows of Dan, Virginia. She makes the absolute BEST truffles (ask my sister about the Bananas Foster ones…). She is in this contest to win some good stuff to help her business and I’m asking that you please vote for her. You can vote every day through Sunday, I think, and you can vote from different computers in the same day. Right now, she is 5th out of over 500 entries, which is VERY impressive for a rural business. Please vote right now by clicking

One thing special about Nancy that she fails to mention in her story is that her husband passed away suddenly back in November. I believe they had been together for more than 30 years. Not only was he her partner, he was the general manager of the factory, so it’s been a double blow for her. I’m so proud of how well she’s gotten along and the strides she’s made over the past several months.

She’s also my “bike riding” buddy. She’s the only gal around that will consistently road bike with me. She got me the coolest shirt last year when she was on a trip…the back of it says “Does this bike make my ass look fast?” It’s a great conversation starter when I wear it.

Again, please vote for my friend Nancy. AND, if you ever see her truffles in a store near you, buy the darn things. They are DEE-LISH! Her fudge is good, too, but the truffles are something else.

random ramblins on a friday

First bit of randomness: Yesterday, my husband and I took a short, but amusing walk to the end of our driveway to put a letter in the mailbox. There was a tree branch hanging down over the driveway with some dead leaves on it and Mike tried to jump up and grab it. It was funny because he didn’t get that far off the ground. Thinking I was some Olympic athlete, I decided to try it myself. I think I might have gotten half as far as he did. I was already laughing at myself when he decided to make a joke of me. He said “All I could see was you twisting your ankle or hurting yourself and looking at me like it was my fault.” If you could have seen the face he made (imitating what I would have done), you would have LOL’d too.

Randomness #2: Speaking of #2…stopped at the light in front of McDonald’s – nice big patch of green grass…three black dogs on leashes. One bowed over taking a massive poo. “I’d like fries with that!” I don’t think the woman was gonna scoop it up either…

Third random thing: I made my first post to craigslist a couple of weeks ago and someone is already trying to hoo-doo me! I had an email asking if my road bike for sale was in good condition, so I emailed the person back and immediately, I get this response…

thanks for getting back to me let’s do like this, actually now I’m not
in town for now, I came to visit my family so i wont be able to meet
with you to see the item but am ok with the price as seen on the
advert. I don’t mind to give you $50 to withdraw the advert for you to
see how serious i am in the transaction, i will contact my secretary
to issuing a Check out to you and when you received the check  I will
make arrangement for pick up. So get back to me with below details to
be on the check asap.

Postal Code:
Phone Number:

And as soon as this is provided, the payment will be overnight to you
and i will let you know when its mailed out. I need you to be honest
with the sale as I am a God fearing person.Note you don’t need to
worry about shipping the items for me as soon as you have the check
and have the check cash my shipper will come over for pick up.

God Bless

So, thanks but no thanks! I can’t even type that fast, so there’s no way this is real. Seller’s beware!

4th and final random thing: While watching the doggie poo, I hear this story on the radio and have to laugh – AIG wants interest on an overpayment they made on their taxes back in the 90s when they still owe the government about $17 billion.

If all of us would just behave ourselves, wouldn’t the world be lovely?