a new normal

Little Elam is 2 weeks old today and our family is settling into a new normal. Ezra is a great big brother. Yesterday, he shared his building blocks and asked “Can I touch his leg?” It was very sweet. Thankfully, my husband has had 2 weeks off work and still has one more before it’s back to the daily grind. I am off until the week of Labor Day, thankfully. Physically, I feel almost back to my old self again and my stomach is quickly disappearing. I took a 20 minute walk yesterday for the first time since Elam arrived and it felt good. I hope to keep walking a few times a week and incorporate some light strength training as well. Need to get some of this jiggly tightened up!

My garden is producing an abundance of tomatoes and those sunflowers are even more gorgeous. I’m so glad I decided to have a garden and that it’s turned out so well. I have a few zucchini still coming out and there are some butternut squash ripening nicely. I found a watermelon the vine that’s about 2 inches around, so we’ll see if it turns into anything. I found a recipe for crock pot spaghetti sauce I’m going to try with all these tomatoes so they don’t go to waste.

I’m so thankful for the blessings the good Lord has given me. It’s like the song my son has learned to sing…

This is the day, this is the day that the Lord has made
I will rejoice, I will rejoice and be glad in it

Rejoice and be glad today!


Yes, I know that it’s spelled “sunflowers”, but I wanted to incorporate my sons into it as well. I have the most beautiful sunflowers starting to bloom in my garden. At the same time, I have the two most wonderful sons a mother could ask for. Little Elam is now 6 days old, which is hard to believe. He’s the best baby – nurses and sleeps like a charm. He’s starting to wake up a little more each day and it’s nice to see his little eyes taking in the world. Here are some recent shots of my first week off from work on maternity leave…

he’s here!


The newest addition to our family arrived at 6:50 this morning, Sunday, July 20! Our little Elam was 20 inches long and weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces. Thankfully, I went into labor at home around 1:15 am and it progressed quickly. No epidural this time, either. God and my dear husband were with me all the way through. We are all doing well and I’m very thankful for that.

Little E is doing well and his big brother likes him. Hopefully we get to go home tomorrow and spend some quality time as a family. Oh, and this little fella has a head full of dark hair! Ezra was blonde and hardly had any hair and is still “tow headed” to this day. 

More updates and pictures to come soon, I’m sure. 

(about ready) to kill a mockingbird

I didn’t know what a mockingbird sounded like until a few years ago. At that point, I decided I love them. Right now, I’m very annoyed with the one outside my window at night. For the past three nights, it (he, I think) has decided to sing from about 1 until 4 am. It’s driving me batty (pun intended)! It’s cool enough right now that we’ve been sleeping with the windows open, but last night, I had to get up, close all of the windows, and turn on the air conditioning. I couldn’t take it any longer!

My husband heard me up and about and asked me what I was doing. When I told him the bird was driving me nuts, he said, “It’s a sound of nature. You should be able to sleep through it.” I said “Snoring is also natural, but I can’t sleep through your snores, either!” He found that amusing.

I started looking for ways to make it be quiet (besides killing it or screaming at it), and I found this interesting article dated 1987 – “Why the Mockingbird Sings”. You should check it out.

Of course, I’m not going to kill this precious bird. I guess it’s just getting me ready for the newborn and the lack of sleep it will bring. 

Speaking of which, my due date was yesterday and still no baby. Doc says all looks well with both of us, so we’ll go back to the doc on Monday and see what goes. They said they’ll let me go up to 42 weeks before they induce me if all looks well. I really hope it doesn’t come down to that. I want this to be as natural as possible. So, say a little prayer that little baby decides to arrive this weekend or early next week!

nesting? perhaps.

I left work at 1:30 today to come home and take a nap, which I did…for 2 hours! My mom has my son today, so I thought I would take advantage of a little “me” time before this baby gets here. It’s decided to incubate at least till its due date (tomorrow) and I’d been wanting to bake up some zucchini bread since the garden is being generous.

First, I made a blackberry peach cobbler that I’d made last year. Then, I made a double batch of zucchini bread. Next, I cleaned up the house and lastly, finished packing my hospital bag. I’m getting ready to light into dinner for my husband and me. I hope he’s as tickled as I am when he gets home to a clean house and the smell of fresh baked goodies! I think this might be my sudden burst of energy that folks talk about before you go into labor. Who the heck knows? I thought I’d have this baby by now! 🙂

I had forgotten about something my son said this morning. He got up early (around 5:45 am) and came to get in bed with me (his daddy was already gone to work). He had been laying there a few minutes when he took out his paci (still trying to kick that habit) and said “I like you.” Now, doesn’t that mean the world to a mommy? It sure did to me.

Enjoy some photos of what I was up to this evening and a visit to a friend’s house the other day.

preventing type 2 diabetes in kids

My little fella picking raspberries...he LOVES picking and eating them.

My little fella picking raspberries…he LOVES picking and eating them.

As a mom, I worry about what my son eats and about his future with diabetes. Not only did I have gestational diabetes while pregnant with him (which increases his risk of getting diabetes by about 60%, I think), but his grandpa and great grandpa both suffer from diabetes. I know it’s not the end of the world to be affected by this condition, but if it can be avoided, then so be it!

I have read up on this enough to know it mostly boils down to diet and exercise. I found a good article on the American Diabetes Association website that I wanted to share with you. The two points I like best from this article are:

  1. Set a good example by eating a healthful diet yourself

  2. Set a good example by being active yourself.

Please read on to learn how you can help prevent diabetes in your children or the children in your life. Not to mention how you can help prevent the disease in your own body!

Preventing Type 2 Diabetes in Children and Teens

Type 2 diabetes once hit mainly adults. But today, children and teens weigh more and are less active. As a result, people of all ages now get type 2 diabetes.

Types of Diabetes in Children

Type 1 diabetes was once called juvenile diabetes. It usually starts suddenly with weight loss, great thirst, and frequent urination. It tends to occur in thin or normal-weight people. Type 1 diabetes must be treated with insulin shots.

Type 2 diabetes tends to occur in overweight people. It is also more common in people of African, Hispanic, Asian, or American-Indian ancestry. Type 2 diabetes often starts slowly. People may have vague symptoms or none at all. Some people can control their type 2 diabetes with a healthy diet and exercise. But others must take diabetes pills or insulin.

Type 1 and type 2 diabetes are by far the most common forms of diabetes. But in rare cases, children get other kinds of diabetes.

Before Type 2 Diabetes Starts

Some children and teens have a higher risk of getting type 2 diabetes. Traits that are often found in people before they get type 2 diabetes are:

  1. Non-European ancestors

  2. Close relatives with type 2 diabetes

  3. High cholesterol levels

  4. Dark patches of skin, often on the back of the neck

  5. Overweight

  6. High blood pressure

  7. High triglyceride (a kind of fat) levels

  8. High blood glucose levels

  9. Low HDL (“good”) cholesterol levels

The risks for heart disease and diabetes increase for those who have high triglycerides, high blood glucose, low HDL cholesterol, and high blood pressure and who are overweight.

How to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is partly genetic. Even so, it can be prevented or delayed in most cases. The key is a healthy lifestyle.

Food choices. The healthiest diet is one high in plant foods and low in salt and saturated fats (which are found in meat and also in dairy products that aren’t nonfat). To improve your child’s diet:

  1. Don’t buy junk food, such as soft drinks, chips, cookies, doughnuts, and candy.

  2. Have healthful foods on hand for snacks and lunch bags. More healthy choices might include nonfat milk, nuts, fresh fruit, baby carrots, cherry tomatoes, low-fat cheese, and whole-grain low-sugar breakfast cereals.

  3. Buy whole grains (such as oatmeal, barley, whole-wheat bread and pasta, and brown rice) instead of refined grains (such as white bread, white pasta, and white rice).

  4. Limit visits to fast-food restaurants or don’t go at all.

  5. Have your child eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables each day.

  6. Serve meals at the same times each day.

  7. Serve small portions.

  8. Serve fruit for dessert instead of cake, pie, or other foods high in fat and sugar.

  9. Instead of frying foods, cook them in low-fat ways. These include baking, broiling, roasting, grilling, steaming, and boiling.

  10. Set a good example by eating a healthful diet yourself.

Activity choices. The more active people are, the more calories they burn. Children and teens should be physically active for at least 60 minutes most or all days of the week. To help your children be more active:

  1. Limit time in front of the TV and computer to less than 2 hours a day.

  2. Assign them active chores such as raking leaves and vacuuming rugs.

  3. Have children walk or ride their bikes to school if it is close.

  4. Be active as a family. Go for walks, ride bikes, jump rope, or play basketball together.

  5. Encourage brisk play.

  6. Set a good example by being active yourself.

Other actions. There are other ways you can help your children avoid diabetes:

  1. Take them for regular medical checkups.

  2. If you think a child may be too heavy, don’t put him or her on a weight-loss diet by yourself. Overweight children still need nutrients and calories to grow. Ask your doctor how to help your child lose weight.

If Your Child Gets Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes treatment has three goals:

  1. Get blood glucose levels as close to normal as you can.

  2. Get A1C levels as close to normal as you can. A1C reflects long-term blood glucose control.

  3. Prevent damage to the eyes, kidney, nerves, and heart.

Being overweight makes it harder to control diabetes. For this reason, striving for a healthy weight may also be part of type 2 diabetes treatment.

A child or teen who gets type 2 diabetes needs expert advice on diet and exercise. A dietitian can help both the child and the family learn to eat in a healthy way. A pediatric exercise counselor can help the child and family start an exercise program. In all cases, it’s a good idea for the whole family to change its habits.

Type 2 diabetes tends to get worse over time. After a while, people with type 2 diabetes may need drugs to keep their blood glucose levels under control, even if they’ve taken good care of themselves. Drugs include insulin and many types of diabetes medicines.

2014 goals – where am i?

So, it’s July 11 already. Isn’t that hard to believe?! That means we’re more than half through the year. I’d been thinking about blogging about my 2014 goals I set back in January when I ran across the print out I’d made. I’ve been cleaning my work desk all morning getting ready to be out on maternity leave. Here’s where I stand on what I had set for myself this year:

  1. Spend more quiet time with God – So far, so good. I’m still not where I want to be, but I do believe I’m doing better than I ever have. I do MAKE (not FIND) time to read my Bible, but there’s always room for improvement. I need to spend more time in prayer, but I’ve definitely improved on my Bible reading.
  2. Help lead at least one person to Christ – As of today, I can’t say anyone has been “saved” directly because of me, but I’m trying to be a better witness. I still have a LONG way to go with this, but I’m really trying.
  3. Be more positive toward my husband – For the most part, I feel I’ve improved. I try to give out more compliments and praise. The funny thing is, he seems to be doing the same to me. Is it reciprocal or coincidence?
  4. Gain no more than 30 pounds during this pregnancy – I’m less than 7 days away from my due date and I’m right at 30 pounds, so I feel like I have this one in the bag!
  5. Get back to 155 pounds by the end of the year – I think I will be able to obtain this since I didn’t go overboard during this pregnancy.
  6. Perform at least 1 pull up by the end of the year – I put that one on hold until I get back from maternity leave…
  7. Win the weight loss competition – I did win round one earlier this year – my ladies were fantastic! We didn’t win the second round, but it was so close and my gals were really happy with their results.
  8. Add 3 more regular personal training clients – I did pick up a new gal, but she’s fizzled out on me a bit. I think I can still pick up a couple when I come back from maternity leave.
  9. Continue to improve my diet – I have to admit, I’m kind of stuck in a rut on that one. I’ve been eating too much sugar, but I try to eat well for the most part. Thankfully, my garden is doing well so I’ve been eating lots of fresh squash and lettuce!
  10. Grow a small garden – Oh, boy! This has been the most fun for me. I’m so tickled with how it’s coming along. I have bunches of green tomatoes on which I’m waiting for. I’ve really enjoyed the garden and plan to expand it next year.
  11. Potty train our son – He’s coming along (recent blog post talked about this one). I think by the end of the year, we’ll have this one in the bag.

Well, that does it for now! I’m on track, but we’ll see how the year finishes up.

i’m ready

A month ago, I was hoping for more time before baby arrived, but now I feel ready. Am I looking forward the pain of natural childbirth? Not particularly, but I’ve done it once before and I know I can do it again. I just hope it’s a wee bit quicker this time (versus the 12+ hours last time…3 of which were pushing). Anyway, I’m ready to introduce this baby into our family and start the recovery process of feeling like “my old self” again. When you think about it, though, you’re never the same as you were before a child enters the world. Your life changes completely.

I believe husband and son are ready, too. Ezra taps my belly and says, “Good morning, baby.” We asks if it’s a boy or girl and he says “Boy.” We’ll see soon enough. Mike is ready, too. I think these last days of wondering exactly when and how it will happen drive him nuts.

It’s funny how people look at pregnant woman and think that A) she should be miserable, B) she should be exhausted, and C) she’s handicapped. I honestly feel just as capable or MORE capable than some regular folks. I read this article from Real Simple magazine about a mom and she mentioned during her pregnancy how helpless she felt when she dropped her keys on the sidewalk and she couldn’t bend down to pick them up. She had to wait until a stranger came by to pick them up for her. Really?! It was her first pregnancy, but still.

I have to admit that I will miss this little person rolling around in my belly. If all goes as planned, I will never have this feeling again and I remember missing it after Ezra was born. There’s something so special between mom and baby that no one else will ever experience with that child.

Who knows when this baby will arrive…not due until July 17, but the full moon is Saturday the 12th and folks seem to think that’s when babies are born. Only time will tell!

Mike, Ezra, and me on the boat Thursday with my dad.

Mike, Ezra, and me on the boat Thursday with my dad.

Oh, and one more thing! Mike and I set a goal to read one chapter in Proverbs together each night as our Sunday school lesson instructed last week. So far, so good. We read chapter 7 tonight, so we’re on track. I figure we’ll miss a few days when the baby arrives, but hopefully we won’t get too far behind.

ezra and wisdom

Up until now, I have avoided posting my child’s name on my blog, but now I feel it’s time to share. My precious two-year-old’s name is Ezra and it came from the Bible. I didn’t like it when my husband first suggested it, but it’s been the perfect name for him and everyone says it’s so pretty and uncommon. We’ve picked out another uncommon boy name for #2 (if it’s a boy), but I’ll wait and share that when this baby shows up. We have a girl’s name picked out as well – Charlotte. That’s what I had picked the first go round, convinced that my baby was a girl. I was wrong, so I kept it for #2 just in case. Anyway, I digress.

The other day, Ezra insisted on wearing his dog toboggan backward, with his boots and undies in the rain. He claimed the hat would keep his head from getting wet. Smart kid, eh?

The other day, Ezra insisted on wearing his dog toboggan backward, with his boots and undies in the rain. He claimed the hat would keep his head from getting wet. Smart kid, eh?

Our little Ezra has been such a blessing these past 29 months. Even in the throws of “terrible twos”, he’s not terrible at all. He’s sweet, loving, energetic, healthy, funny, talkative…We just can’t believe how blessed we are (“we” being my husband and I). Our other family members feel the same way.

I was thinking of some of the funny/interesting stuff he’s done here lately and wanted to share:

  • He’s been mesmerized by the poison oak all over my arm and the other day I said, “It’s awful.” Now, every time he sees the remainder of the rash (which thankfully is going away now), he says, “It’s awful.”
  • Last night, I went to check on him before I went to bed and I always creep into his room in the dark and feel around in his bed until I find him. I grabbed something I wasn’t expecting – a naked butt! He had removed his diaper and was sound asleep on his belly. Thankfully, he hadn’t wet the bed, so I was able to diaper him up without waking him (a skill we learned when he was around one).
  • Speaking of potty training, he’s not there yet, but I’m not pushy about it. I figure it will happen when he’s ready, but we’ve been encouraging him to go outside since it’s nice and warm. The other day, he actually went twice outside in a row (no accidents in between), then he actually performed a #2 while standing in the yard! I hadn’t encouraged and wasn’t expecting that one, but it made me laugh so hard. We’re just standing there and I hear this “thud” and there’s a nice little present on the ground. It was a hoot.
  • Yesterday, he scared us to death when he almost ran his battery powered tractor over the bank. Thank God (literally) that this stump stopped him or we would have had a mess on our hands. Needless to say, we’re making some changes as far as that tractor is concerned.
  • This morning, I went to lay with him when he was waking up and one of the first things he said was, “I want to feel the baby move.” That was very sweet, because he really hasn’t shown much interest up to this point.

I could go on and on about my kid, but who couldn’t? Each parent is so amused and in love with their child…it’s just something hard to explain.

Last night, I picked up my Bible and read a little in Ezra. My favorite verse thus far was 7:10 “For Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the law of the Lord, and to do it, and to teach in Israel statutes and judgments.” I think I’m going to frame that and hang in his bedroom as his life motto. I think it’s befitting.

On the subject of wisdom, that’s what our Sunday school lesson was about this morning. I actually got to teach the ladies’ class, which I haven’t done in some time. The verses were Proverbs 2:1-6; 3:5-7 and the point was “God will give me wisdom when I humbly seek it.” Notice the last part of that conditional statement that I bolded – we have to humbly seek it.

I liked this lesson today because I feel like I need and desire more Godly wisdom in my life. Knowledge is easy to obtain, but wisdom comes from God alone. I asked God for His wisdom recently in something that I just didn’t have the mental energy for and He’s really helping me out. However, I can’t be lazy and make Him do all the work. I still have to put some effort into it.

One of the challenges in the lesson is to seek God’s wisdom by reading one chapter of Proverbs every day in the month of July – there are 31 chapters and 31 days. I asked my husband if we could do that together and he agreed, so we’ll start tonight. I figure we need a jump start since we’ll probably get off track a few days in July with this new baby arriving. I look forward to what God is going to reveal during this exciting, yet challenging time in our lives. I’ve not yet read this article, but it’s a suggested reading in the Sunday school book that I hope to get to soon – http://blog.lifeway.com/biblestudiesforlife/stripping-the-veneer/.

This week, spend some time in God’s word and see what wisdom you find…

recent photos & a bad case of poison oak

I caught some neat shots lately of random things that I thought I would share. And I’m eaten up with poison oak – the worst case I’ve had in about 3 years. I honestly think my son gave it to me, but he doesn’t have a spot on him, thankfully. Anyhoo, I’ve tried everything…Benadryl gel, calamine lotion, Appalachian Secret, Dawn dish liquid (including taking the rough side of a sponge and scrubbing – painful and didn’t work), and finally jewel weed soap. I had my regular OB appointment today (37 weeks come Thursday) and she wrote me a prescription for steroid pills and cream. That should do the trick, I think. I have it on my arms, fingers, chest, stomach, legs, and even eye lids!

OB says all is well with me and baby so I go back in a week. Won’t be long before baby arrives! The heart beat was around 140, so what do you think about the gender?