So very thankful

Today for the walk/jog/run club, Eleanor and I biked first, then jogged afterwards. This is called a “brick” in the triathlon world because your feet feel like bricks when you try to run. It’s challenging, but rewarding. We both went at our own pace and really enjoyed the hour we had on the New River Trail.

As I was riding, I just had to rejoice at all of the blessings I am experiencing in my life right now. It’s only fair to God if I share some of them with you!

  1. My family – I’m abundantly blessed with a husband who supports my healthy habits and what I’m trying to do in my ministry. My sons make me smile every day and I’m so proud to be their mama. My mom, dad, and in-laws spoil me and my kids rotten and I never have to worry when they are keeping them as I work. Even though my sisters aren’t geographically close, they are very supportive and we get along so well. I just can’t say enough about my family!
  2. My health – One of my greatest fears in life is becoming paralyzed or not being able to be active like I am. I truly value my ability to swim, bike, run, and exercise like I do. Granted, I put effort into my healthy lifestyle, but it ultimately comes from the Man above.
  3. My church family – My husband and I found Stone Mountain Baptist Church several years ago and became members. We’ve always been welcome and there’s no bickering to be found. They recently gave me a generous donation to help support Thrive, too!
  4. My friends – I have a great, small network of friends who understand that my first priority is family and we can always just catch up where we left off, with no hard feelings if it’s been a while since we saw or talked to each other.
  5. My exercise clients – My lunchtime crowd at CWC are consistent, spending their hour of lunch time WORKING OUT instead of eating! I applaud you. I also love the ladies who have come to my seminars, exercise sessions, and gatherings for Thrive. Keep up the good work!
  6. A beautiful place to live
  7. Great place to work (my day job)
  8. Comfortable home
  9. Plenty of food
  10. Enough money to pay the bills and have a little fun
  11. A car to drive
  12. Peace of mind
  13. Clothes to wear
  14. Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) – Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness (this one still needs work), Temperance (this one, too)

I’m sure there are a trillion more blessings, but my time is limited. What are YOUR blessings?

Walk/Jog/Run…BIKE Club – August 13 @ Noon

I loved the New River Trail last week, so we’ll meet there again this week. Anyone who wants to come at noon for a short prayer and then we’ll take off to walk/jog/run or BIKE if you like. This week, I am going to bike hard 30 minutes, then jog 15 minutes immediately following (this is called a “brick” in the triathlon training world). BUT, you do what is best for you!

There is no cost for this, but there is a $4 parking fee for the State Park access. Just bring something to drink and think of your goal before you arrive so you know what you want to do for the day!


Workin’ on my Workout!

I have a sweet little baby boy who got 4 shots at his 1 year checkup on Monday, which has prompted him to wake up at 5:30 the past two mornings for some pain reliever and a bottle. So, I needed not to set my alarm clock to get up an exercise! Yesterday, I did my 30 minute hatha yoga DVD and am a little sore today. I love yoga, but don’t get to do it nearly as much as I would like. Yoga at my pal Yvette’s is the best!

Yesterday, when I got home from work, my 3 year old greeted me at the door and said “Look mommy! This box came from CVS!” To him, any store is CVS. Anyway, the box was from Power Systems and it was full of resistance bands I had ordered for my Thrive workouts! This morning, I busted out the medium resistance band this morning and tested it in my workout. It was hard! I backed off to the light band and that made it better, especially for the lateral raises. I think I’m going to get a few extra light bands for my beginners, too.

It’s funny, because each band included an instruction sheet on how to use the bands. The photos are in black and white of this woman doing different exercises with the bands. You would think it’s a cost savings measure to use black ink, but I think it’s because she’s using the orange (lightest) bands and they don’t want you to know! How else could she do some of those moves?! 🙂

Please be sure to plan on joining me on Monday, August 31 for my next Wellness Seminar and Exercise Session. It’s free and child care will be provided at Galax PH Church from 5:30-7:00 pm. It’s gonna be fun, informative, and fit!

Revised & Improved Wellness Seminar & Exercise Session – August 31

Need some inspiration and motivation to live a healthy lifestyle? Then don’t miss my FREE seminar at Galax PH Church on Monday, August 31 from 5:30 – 7 pm. Childcare will be provided, so just come and enjoy learning how God wants you to live your best life PLUS practical tips on healthy living. My resistance bands are on the way, so be ready for a good workout! It can be adapted to ANY fitness level, so don’t be intimidated (and don’t think it will be too easy for you, tough folks)!

Facebook event –

Walk/Jog/Run Club – August 6 @ Noon

This week, we’ll have the pleasure of walking/jogging/running on the partly shaded New River Trail! Meet at the caboose in Galax at noon and we’ll go. There is a $4 parking fee, so carpooling is cool if you can. I can only fit one other person in my vehicle due to car seats, but if you’re interested, you can text or call me at 276-779-3336. Read all the details here. Hope to see you there tomorrow!

Time to Train for a Tri!

I just registered for the Claytor Lake Sprint Triathlon that will be held September 12, 2015. It’s a half mile swim, 12.5 mile bike, and a 5k trail run. I have work to do!

My favorite resource for triathlons is “The Woman Triathlete” book. I need to get it out and make my plan for training. I have about 6 weeks till race day and my base fitness is good, but I need to work on intervals on my run and swim. The book has great workouts. I am going to pencil in my workouts on my calendar or I know I will not get to them.

I blogged on my personal blog a while back about Triathlon FAQs. Check it out if you have a minute. 🙂

Walk/Jog/Run Club – July 30 (I won’t be there)

June 2012 sunset on our hillside

I had been on a roll meeting at the Galax Rec Center at noon on Thursdays with anyone who wanted to walk/jog/run for an hour, but I can’t be there this Thursday (I have to work). However, if anyone wants to meet, I encourage you to do so! Just gather near the door around noon, set some goals, and take off! You can do it without me, I’m sure. 🙂

For the first week of August, we’ll need to meet elsewhere due to the Fiddler’s Convention. We can meet at the Caboose in Galax or Dannely Park and do the New River Trail that day. It will be a welcome change (just remember the $4 parking fee).

Let me know if you plan to be there this week (July 30) or next (August 6).

Motivational Wellness Seminar & Exercise Session – August 3

If you missed the motivational wellness seminar & exercise session I’ve offered a couple of times, you’re in luck because I’m doing it again! Join me on Monday, August 3 from 5:30 – 7:00 pm at the Woodlawn PH Church. Childcare will be provided if you have kids!

First, I’ll be sharing Biblical advice on how God wants us to live happy, healthy lives as well as practical tips for good nutrition, health, and exercise. Then, about 6 pm we’ll do a 30 minute exercise session set to contemporary Christian music. Bring a friend and come enjoy some uplifting fellowship!

If you’re planning to come, please email me or call/text me at 276-779-3336.