We are Witnesses

Well, duh! They should post this at every home improvement store.

On my drive home yesterday, I caught a sermon on the radio where the preacher was talking about how we are witnesses once we become children of God. He said we don’t mail to heaven asking for our witness card, it just comes automatically once we accept Christ. Now, here’s the tricky part – you can be a witness for good (Christ) or for bad (the world). I truly believe what he’s saying is right.

I’ve been a Christian for many years and I can’t say that my witness has always been pleasing to the Lord. However, I feel within the past 6 months or so, my witness is more true and strong than ever before, and I have a desire to live for Him rather than the world. It’s still hard for me to “witness” to people, but that’s a skill that takes a lot of practice.

Just yesterday, I had a conversation with a friend in which I hoped to have an opportunity to share the good news about how God is working in my life and how happy I am. After a 2 hour back and forth, I still didn’t get to share this information with her. I left a little disappointed, but I knew God had a plan and I just prayed for my friend. She ended up calling me and trying to leave a voicemail, but it cut her off and she called back. I got to answer the phone the second time she called and she apologized to me for having a potty mouth and said she felt guilty after she listened to my voicemail greeting (about Thrive and having a blessed day). BINGO! God knew what he was doing all the time! It was a small seed, but a seed nonetheless.

I’m reading First Place 4 health “Motivated to Wellness” book and some of today’s scripture was from John 15 (versus 1-8) which I find interesting, because this was just mentioned at Bible study at church 2 weeks ago. Anyway, the commentary says “Being blameless does not mean that you are perfect. It means that you are mature and balanced. When you’re “set apart,” you are balanced between spirit, soul and body and have a consistent sense of integrity. You have a spirit set after God’s spirit, and you demonstrate self-control and respect for your body, the temple of God.” That text really spoke to me and these words jump off the page: MATURE, BALANCED, INTEGRITY, SELF-CONTROL

Let’s all strive to be “set apart” for God in our everyday lives.